Technical Service Solutions

TSS Industrial Services

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Services offered as part of our companies growth:

Preventive Maintenance Packages
  • All types of equipment can be prepared and carried out
  • Maintenance Packages to suit all budgets
  • Records can be kept to satisfy Health & Safety legislation and ISO requirements

Emission Testing
  • This provides you with documented evidence that your process is operating to the satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • This is a Health & Safety legal requirement.

Blanket Wash Testing
  • This offers you the peace of mind that
  • your equipment and your staff are safe in their working einvironment.

Installation, Commissioning & Fabrication Works
  • TSS is also supplying:
  • sound proofing
  • ductwork supply & modifications
  • dust extraction control
  • and pipe cut paper systems.


Thermo Imaging & Vibration Analysis
  • Carried out by qualified technicians in this field.
  • We are producing a full report with colour pictures and recommendations.
  • This gives you early indication or impending problems on mechanical and electrical equipment.
  • Testing can be arranged accordingly to your requirements!

Competent Engineering Support
  • Fully qualified engineers, all with printing industry background.
  • We are covering printing presses, dryers, afterburners, folders, sheeters, stackers, etc.
  • This service allows you to still have engineering cover at reasonable prices while your engineers are away being trained, vacation cover or long term sickness.

Press Mapping

  • All your PLC's, Drives and Configuration boards mapped and programs downloaded for safe keeping.


  • As all customers are vulnerable to down time due to loss of any of these components is it not best to have all your own software readily to hand?

TSS Technical Service Solutions * Industrial & Domestic Services *
Last update 07.07.2008